8 Fall Yard Maintenance Tips
8 Fall Yard Maintenance Tips https://ift.tt/3jZ9U4U Compared to the rest of the country, Kelowna has mild winters . But while the Okanagan may not face the seasonal challenges of wild storms and frigid conditions like other parts of Canada, residents still need to prep their yards for the months to come. Autumn is an important time and the work done then can influence the health of the soil and plants in the seasons ahead. Do you want your yard to look its best? If so, check out these top eight tips about fall yard maintenance. 1. Mulch Leaves If you’re perplexed by what to do with all the fall leaves lying around, why not put them to work? Mulch your leaves and spread them in your garden beds. They provide all kinds of nutrients for the soil. 2. Water Well Did your yard have a dry summer? Then the first item on your fall yard maintenance schedule should be to give your soil a good watering so that it is well-hydrated for the winter. 3. Fertiliz...