Tips For Winterizing Your Yard This Fall
Tips For Winterizing Your Yard This Fall After a long summer of enjoying your backyard, it’s time to prepare for winter. The cool weather is settling in, and it is crucial to start winterizing. Stop procrastinating, the frost is coming, and you don’t want to be unprepared. Follow these tips to ensure everything off your checklist is complete! Start With The Grass Cleaning the leaves is easier by removing any furniture or toys from the yard. By the time the snow arrives, your furniture will be safely inside. Once everything’s removed from the lawn, mow your grass to about 2 ½ inches long and leave the cut grass on the lawn. By leaving the clippings, 25% of the nitrogen returns to the soil. Aerate the lawn to allow worms and other microorganisms passage to the soil, adding nutrients. Aerating is an essential step for high-traffic lawns as they suffer if untreated due to buildup. If you want a thicker, healthier lawn by spring, you can also oversee...